Nomination Form for Storytelling Resource Awards


Only ONE nomination form is needed from any contact person or publisher—whether a single resource is submitted or several items are submitted. The needed information (below) may be communicated in any desired fashion: e-mailed, handwritten, or typed. Communication from the Storytelling World Awards Program will be sent ONLY to the contact person identified on this form. If that person’s address is different from the publisher’s, please clearly identify the desired address for all mailed information.


Mail the form and resources to Dr. Flora Joy, Storytelling World Awards, 108 Oak Grove Boulevard, Johnson City, TN 37601. Do not mail anything requiring a signature. [There are two addresses for this awards program, but the above address must be used to ship all nominated resources.] Within two weeks of the receipt of your shipment, an e-mail message will be sent informing you of its arrival. If you do not receive this e-mail, you will know your resources did not reach us.


Publisher’s name (exactly as you would want it to appear in Storytelling World):


Name of nominator/contact person:


Mailing address of nominator/contact person (may be same as publisher):


Daytime telephone of contact person:


E-mail address of contact person (write CLEARLY):


Web site address (optional):


Did you include TWO COPIES of each nominated storytelling resource?


TITLE(S) of all nominated resources in this shipment [followed by YEAR of publication for each one]. Use extra paper if needed, or put your complete list on separate paper.




IMPORTANT NOTE: For the awarded resources, the publisher’s contact information will be printed in all our award announcements and on our web site. You will have a choice whether to use your publisher’s name OR the name of your contact person. Please check your preference:

___ The publisher’s name (as listed above);   ___The name of the contact person (as listed above)

Following the contact person or publisher’s name, we will print your choice of ONE of the following methods for potential purchasers to contact you regarding the purchase of your materials. Please check your preference:

___ The above mailing address;   ___The above e-mail address;   ___The above web site   ___The following telephone number: